Manchester Evening News

Is breast or bottle best?


A MUM’S tweet about being fed up with the breastfeed­ing verses bottle feeding debate has clearly struck a chord with parents. In it, she said: “I can’t believe it’s 2018 and we’re still discussing breast vs formula like it matters at the end of the day. Just feed your kid and get on with your day. They all grow up to eat Haribo and McDonald’s anyway.” Here’s what readers think...

Breastfeed­ing matters. Women go through hell to make breastfeed­ing work and then get demonised by society. To say it doesn’t matter is to undermine this hard work. LeighAnne Bunting

Currently breastfeed­ing my little girl because that’s my decision, not because I think “breast is best” because I don’t. Personally, I think fed is best and as long as mother and baby are happy and healthy surely that’s all that matters. Laura Trotter

Clearly she needs to read the research. Breastfeed­ing for a few weeks or months has positive long-term impacts for much later on in life, for mother and baby. Debra Edwards

It’s abhorrent that people are still shaming mothers for feeding their babies. As long as the babies are fed and content and mum is coping and happy, then what business is it of anyone else? Jennie Bracegirdl­e

Fed is best. Stop trying to guilt mothers. My midwife told me to try a bottle and I now have a beautiful 14-year-old. I was one of those mums who struggled. Tabatha Coleman

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