Manchester Evening News

On the Mendy Benj is offered a Pep talk


ON his first day as manager of Barcelona, rookie coach Pep Guardiola walked into the dressing room and told the club’s many superstars that they would be playing by his rules from now on.

“It is time for a ‘restart’ in this dressing room,” he said. “I don’t know if there are bad habits - but the past is gone.

“I won’t tolerate lack of effort to rebuild success. I can guarantee my players will run and run, but my primary intention is to convince them. I want their faith. Above all I want even the most talented players to invoke team values.”

In some ways, the Catalan has relaxed over the course of the ten years, he no longer gets an assistant to ring the homes of the players every evening at midnight to make sure they are tucked up in bed and is generous in allowing his squad plenty of time off through the course of the season to do as they please.

It’s why, for instance, Benjamin Mendy was allowed to spend Saturday night watching the boxing at Wembley even though he was due to report for treatment on his ongoing injury in Manchester on Sunday.

But Guardiola’s ethos of faith and team values remains intrinsic to his success as a manager. He needs all of his players to buy into both the ideas and rules that he sets in order to build a fiercely loyal squad.

That is why, for instance, the manager’s praise of Bernardo Silva’s performanc­es this season included a mention of when the former Monaco star could not get in the team.

If Bernardo is the example to follow, Guardiola needs to make sure there are not more players following Mendy’s path as he looks to avoid the complacenc­y that set into his Barcelona and Bayern Munich league champions.

To be clear, being late for one treatment isn’t going to be the difference between Mendy coming back in a week and a month. The situation is still very much a molehill, especially compared to the mountains of Paul Pogba and Jose Mourinho’s United.

But the fact that it needed the City boss to step in for a word - and that it is not the first time he has done so this season - means that it is not an issue that should be ignored or dismissed.

There will always be an air of unpredicta­bility with the charming defender. As Guardiola said: “Mendy is Mendy. Sometimes you want to kill him. Sometimes you say, ‘Wow, what a player we have!’”

The hope at City is that Mendy can quickly learn to do that while adhering to the manager’s demands – just as Guardiola realised to give his players more freedom.

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