Manchester Evening News

Do we still need Royals?


THE present crisis in the Royal Family begs the question: “Do we still need one?” and if so: “What is its relevance in the 21st century?”

If ever an institutio­n was crying out for modernisin­g it is this one.

I am, I suppose, a soft republican but could accept a future monarchy, if that’s what the majority of people in the United Kingdom want – but only if it was prepared to change!

No one could doubt or fault the Queen’s commitment and sense of duty. After the Second World War she was a steadying influence on the country, which was getting back on its feet, and for many of the turbulent decades that followed.

This steadfastn­ess and consistenc­y which once had a positive effect now has the opposite effect of keeping us in the past.

Do we need so much pomp and ceremony? Does the Queen and her family need so many palaces, castles etc? Is it necessary to have so many relatives included in it?

I believe the Civil List needs to downsize and be more of a family than an institutio­n.

When Prince Charles becomes king will things change? Probably a little, but not in the way it needs to change for the 21st century.

Charles has been waiting in the wings for too long... he is of the old school and past retirement age himself! He has been loyal and understand­ably influenced by his mother and no doubt moulded in her ways.

As I see it, when the time comes for us to have a new monarch then Prince William should leapfrog Charles and become king.

To remain viable most European monarchies have slimmed down, cut their upkeep and reduced the pomp and ceremony. We need to follow their example.

Hopefully William would understand that and his role would be to help all the people in the country, especially those who are least able to help themselves, and to use his enormous influence to bring about more equality for the poorest in our society, without becoming political.

It is understand­able that the Queen would want to stay on the throne for two more years to reach her Platinum Jubilee... she would then be 96! That would be the perfect time to pass the crown on to her grandson William.

Colin Morrison, Whitefield

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