Manchester Evening News





Correspond­ing part of the

New Testament (7)

Powder container fitting into a small space (7)

They carry out capital investigat­ions (13)

Lacking precision in former statute (7)

Devious sleuth on to the right con man (7)

The kind of dress for one expecting to get engaged (6) 13. Came out in spots (7) 14. Keep on getting inspiratio­n (7) 15. Cuts up the joints, by the sound of it – they provide tender meat (6) 16. A large number on the bench behave convention­ally (7) 17. Move more quickly to take the wrapping off (4,3)


This puzzle has no clues. Instead, every number printed in the grid represents a letter, with the same number always representi­ng the same letter.

For example, if 8 turns out to be a V, you can write in V wherever a square contains 8. Using your knowledge of words, complete the puzzle.

 ??  ??

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