Manchester Evening News

Police-chase getaway driver ‘panicked’ after hearing shots


A ‘PANICKED’ getaway driver led police on a ‘dangerous’ pursuit after dropping off a man – moments before shots were fired.

Three police officers heard the gunshots in Harpurhey and came across Mohammed Rafiq, 24, who was carrying a black bag, said to contain a converted handgun, and proceeded to chase him through the streets.

Sameer Amin, 28, was in a Ford Focus waiting for Rafiq after dropping him off minutes beforehand but after seeing police, he ‘panicked’ and drove off.

Rafiq, of Wharf Road, Sale, was eventually caught and was jailed for five years in June after admitting possession of a firearm.

The bag, containing the gun and an empty cartridge, was discovered nearby after Rafiq had discarded it during the chase.

Meanwhile, Amin, of Cheetham Hill, sped off, mounting the kerb as he left. A passenger was also in the car.

Prosecutor James Priestly described the chase which took place on March 24.

“The defendant drove onto Whiteway Street, scraping past five parked cars and then scraping across terraced housing to his right,” he said.

“He continued on and crashed into a lamp post, causing a significan­t amount of damage to the front tyre.

“Officers attempted to smash the car window whilst shouting at him to stop. They withdrew their tasers and aimed them at him and the passenger.

“He drove on after colliding with the lamp post and turned right onto Vernon Street.”

Amin was arrested two days later and provided a prepared statement to the police stating that he had taken a man to Moston to meet someone.

He then said he saw him running and

being chased and ‘panicked,’ and drove off.

He also denied any knowledge of Rafiq possessing a firearm and has not been charged in relation to that.

Amin was said to have three previous conviction­s for three offences, including an offence of drug driving.

In mitigation, his barrister Peter Malone said his client has since obtained work in a warehouse and got married.

“He realises, yes, he panicked and is someone who regrets being before you today,” he said.

“He is someone who is remorseful and he just did not think of the consequenc­es of what he was doing.

“He realises improvemen­t needs to be made in his own life.”

Amin, of Hovey Close, was handed eight months imprisonme­nt which was suspended for two years, eight days of rehabilita­tion activity requiremen­ts and 80 hours unpaid work.

He was also banned from driving for 12 months.

 ?? ?? Police investigat­e the shooting on Church Lane, Harpurhey
Police investigat­e the shooting on Church Lane, Harpurhey
 ?? ?? Mohammed Rafiq was jailed for five years
Mohammed Rafiq was jailed for five years

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