Manchester Evening News

How can we halt the rise in eating disorders?


- For more about eating disorders, see beateating­

EXPERTS are warning that eating disorder rates are rising – and much more needs to be done to help.

The Royal College of Psychiatri­sts has published new ‘medical emergencie­s in eating disorders’ guidance, highlighti­ng the need for all healthcare profession­als to recognise early signs of conditions like anorexia and bulimia.

This comes with reports of an 84% rise in eating disorder hospital admissions in England alone over the past five years.

The biggest increase was in young people aged 18 and under, with the majority being young women – but admissions amongst young men more than doubled too, according to NHS figures.

Has the pandemic made eating disorders worse?

Dr Lynne Green, chief clinical officer at digital mental health platform Kooth (, previously worked in the NHS for 20 years, including as a lead consultant psychologi­st for children’s eating disorders and adolescent inpatient services.

She says eating disorders were “already going up” before Covid came along – but the pandemic was also “a perfect storm” for various reasons.

“During Covid, there was a real sense of loss of control, and deep anxiety that results from that – and we know in eating disorders, having a sense of control is huge,” she says.

“Eating disorders are really complex and there’s a host of reasons and vulnerabil­ity factors, but I suspect more people developed an eating disorder than otherwise would have done. I also think many people who were either recovered, or close to recovery, slipped back when the pandemic hit.

“And then of course, treatment delays – or interrupti­ons in treatment – didn’t help.

“We know many face-to-face services closed, and many people were anxious about going [to ask for help]. That’s definitely had a big impact.”

Is social media to blame?

Social media comes up a lot in these conversati­ons, particular­ly in terms of its impact on body image pressures. Dr Green doesn’t think it’s all black and white, however.

“We’ve just come out of Mental Health Awareness Week with [a focus on] loneliness, and I think social media can be a really good connector for people, and really help with that,” she says.

“I don’t think social media causes eating disorders – I don’t subscribe to that – but I do think for those with eating disorders, it can be really hard, [and] eating difficulti­es can be exacerbate­d by social media.”

Dr Green believes there needs to be more “robust governance” in how we tackle the potentiall­y harmful aspects of social media, and digital platforms “should be working with experts” to do this.

Award-winning eating disorders campaigner and author Hope Virgo, who created the #dumpthesca­les campaign, believes there are so many factors at play – and we need a widescale culture shift in attitudes towards disordered eating.

“Eating disorders are still massively stigmatise­d,” says Hope.

“On top of this, society has normalised eating disorder culture and, in some situations, praises some of these unhealthy behaviours – that must change.

“We need wider education across society, but also to tackle the high rates of stigma.”

She adds: “What we really need is a complete reformatio­n of services, [and] adequate funding to meet demand. We need to be tackling eating disorders as a matter of urgency. We need a society that is not fixated on food, caloriecou­nting and normalisin­g eating disorder culture.”

‘Early interventi­on saves lives’

For Hope, a vital issue is how eating disorder treatments are provided.

Currently, people are often refused specialist help because their weight is not deemed low enough – and Hope has seen firsthand how dangerous this can be.

After being previously hospitalis­ed at the height of her own anorexia, she was later refused support while suffering a relapse, on the grounds of “not being thin enough”.

“We know early interventi­on saves lives, yet so many people are turned away from services, because they don’t tick a specific box. This is just not OK,” says Hope.

“We know early diagnosis is a critical element in the success of treatment for eating disorders, and by the time ‘obvious’ signs have manifested, it’s likely the illness will have become ingrained in the individual, and therefore much more difficult to treat.”

Dr Green agrees tackling eating disorders

early is vital – but because specialist resources are “limited, and that’s part of the issue, that limited resource will need to be prioritise­d, arguably where the highest risk is. “Anorexia has the highest mortality rate of any psychiatri­c disorder, so it is a high risk. But then in the meantime, you’ve got all those people who were not receiving support, that are not currently high risk, but they’re possibly on the way to becoming so,” Dr Green stresses. “Ultimately, we want to reduce that need at the acute [end of the scale]. It’s always going to be there, sadly, but if we can reduce that, putting in help earlier, that will make a difference.”

She believes this requires a multiprong­ed strategy – including “training more staff” and “lowering thresholds” for referrals.

“But also find more innovative ways of helping people access support early,” she adds.

“People don’t just wake up one day with an eating disorder, it usually builds up over a period of time.

“And it’s complicate­d, there are so many risk factors. These include personalit­y factors, and life events can trigger them.”

Low self-esteem, trauma and family history, amongst other things, also play a part. Dr Green says we need to be encouragin­g a culture where people seek mental health support to tackle these things at the root – before an eating disorder develops or takes hold.

There is hope

Despite the doom and gloom headlines, Hope is a “firm believer” in the importance of going to your GP.

“I am aware how hard this is and how there is very little support out there, but starting this conversati­on is key,” she says.

“I always think having a distractio­n before and after [having that conversati­on] is helpful, especially to deal with the guilt you might feel about speaking up. Find someone you can be accountabl­e to. Don’t lose sight of the fact that you deserve to get well. You deserve treatment.”

Dr Green also believes it’s crucial we hear positive stories about recovery from eating disorders.

“If you get help, you can recover from an eating disorder and live a life free from having an eating disorder,” she says.

“People need to really hear that.”

 ?? ?? The number of young men being admitted to hospital with an eating disorder has more than doubled
The number of young men being admitted to hospital with an eating disorder has more than doubled
 ?? ?? Social media may not necessaril­y cause eating disorders but it can exacerbate them
Social media may not necessaril­y cause eating disorders but it can exacerbate them
 ?? ?? Seeing your GP is an important first step to getting the right help
Seeing your GP is an important first step to getting the right help
 ?? ?? Campaigner and author Hope Virgo, left, and Dr Lynne Green
Campaigner and author Hope Virgo, left, and Dr Lynne Green
 ?? ?? Reasons for eating disorders are really complex
Reasons for eating disorders are really complex

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