Manchester Evening News


As cases of monkeypox arrive in the UK, IMY BRIGHTY-POTTS highlights signs to look out for


CONFIRMED monkeypox cases are on the rise with the UK Health Security Agency saying there are now more than 100 cases on our shores.

Health officials said that while the outbreak is “significan­t and concerning”, the risk to the population remains low. The Government has stocks of the smallpox vaccine, which is being offered to very close contacts of those affected.

Those at the highest risk of contractin­g the disease are being asked to self-isolate at home for 21 days, with others warned to be on the lookout for symptoms.

GP and TV personalit­y Dr Nighat Arif says this coincides with a rise in other viruses: “We are seeing an increase in cases of chickenpox, now we are out of lockdown and people don’t want to isolate anymore.”

So, how can you tell the difference between monkeypox and chickenpox?


Dr Arif says the two are “caused by different viruses – monkeypox comes from the smallpox virus, whereas chickenpox comes from the varicella zoster virus”. Monkeypox symptoms include fever, headache, muscle aches, back pain, swollen glands, chills and exhaustion.

Within one to five days of the first symptoms, you may notice a rash developing. The rash will go through several stages. At first, it might look like raised spots, which might turn into small blisters filled with fluid. They will then form scabs that will later fall off. Symptoms can last two to four weeks, and the virus can be spread by skin-to-skin contact.

Chickenpox symptoms include a high temperatur­e, aches and pains, difficulty eating or loss of appetite, and an itchy rash.

The rash tends to blister and dry up, creating similar scabs to that of monkeypox. However, Dr Arif says you should be able to tell the difference between the two.

You might find your child’s “temperatur­e will be higher with monkeypox, and they may complain of backache, lower leg aches, chills, and very tender glands around their neck”.

She adds the “blisters are bigger [with monkeypox]. The chances of them having it are very slim if they haven’t travelled or been in close contact with someone who has”.


When treating monkeypox and chickenpox, Dr Arif says: “The incubation period is really important. Isolate until the last blister crusts for chickenpox, but make sure to take three weeks for monkeypox.

“If your child has chickenpox, please don’t let them into school – isolate them and be careful. It may take a couple of weeks, but it is better than putting people who are vulnerable at risk.”

Dr Arif also suggests using similar treatments to help a child who has chickenpox or monkeypox.

“Keep up your intake of fluids, try and eat and give them Calpol to tackle the temperatur­e,” she advises.

If you struggle to get their temperatur­e down or have any other concerns, speak to a doctor or call 111.


At present, there is a minimal risk of monkeypox infection, with Dr Arif saying: “We haven’t come across any cases in my surgery. This is not a new virus, and public health [bodies] are very aware of it. Smallpox vaccines are being secured in case there is a problem.”

She suggests the risks are minimal for children with chickenpox or monkeypox. “Monkeypox may make you feel awful when you have it, but [for many people] it is a selflimiti­ng virus and you will feel fine after. However, if you are vulnerable, both can be really dangerous.”

When it comes to chickenpox, “Children may get it mildly and then get on with it. But, as with any virus, it is the individual­s they come into contact with that may have issues.

“Adults who haven’t had it, and those who are pregnant or immunosupp­ressed will have the worst response to the pox.”

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 ?? ?? An example of the monkeypox rash, left, and chickenpox, above
An example of the monkeypox rash, left, and chickenpox, above
 ?? ?? Calpol can help tackle high temperatur­es
Calpol can help tackle high temperatur­es
 ?? ?? Dr Nighat Arif
Dr Nighat Arif

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