Manchester Evening News

Park thug brandished machete as kids played


A MAN who brandished a machete as children played in a park and threw bricks towards a group of bikers, has avoided jail.

Zackary Mercer-Barlow was also using a ‘rubber axe’ to chop at trees during the ‘psychotic episode.’

The 28-year-old was initially spotted by three bikers, as he walked towards Asda in Huddersfie­ld Road in Oldham on May 15, prosecutio­n barrister Helena Williams told Manchester Minshull Street Crown Court.

Mercer-Barlow was holding a hoodie in his right hand and pulled out a ‘18inch blade machete,’ which he waved at the group.

One of the group reported the incident to Asda staff, who called police, and Mercer-Barlow made his way to a local park.

While there, he ‘smacked trees and bins’ with the weapon, as children played nearby.

As he left, he was seen by the group of bikers ‘throwing his hands in the air.’

One of the bikers thought that he was ‘goading’ them but could not hear what was being said due to wearing a helmet would like to thank the residents that have reported this issue through the official council channels. To report an overflowin­g bin, please visit the Manchester City Council website.”

Irene Robinson, a councillor for the Ancoats and Beswick ward, has also said that the Canal and Rivers Trust will be ‘stepping up collection­s if it [is] because of the high usage’.

Last month, photos showed the ‘disgusting’ state of the smoking area Manchester Airport.

Empty cups, overflowin­g bins and hundreds of cigarette ends were captured on camera in the outdoor zone in Terminal One departures.

Railway worker Chris Bentley, who regularly travels for work, said the area looked ‘absolutely disgracefu­l’. and a headset. Mercer-Barlow then swung a rubber axe at trees on a footpath, Ms Williams told the court. He then ran at the bikers and they drove away to Top Street.

As one of the men warned residents about Mercer-Barlow’s behaviour, he felt something hit him on the shoulder, which had cut through his clothing and caused a minor injury.

As they fled along Redgrave Street, Mercer-Barlow threw bricks at the group but missed, instead damaging two parked cars.

Mercer-Barlow, of Mere Close, Greenfield, was arrested at around 4.50pm but had got rid of his weapons by the time police arrived. He pleaded guilty to affray and two counts of possessing a bladed article.

Defending, Steve Sullivan told the court that Mercer-Barlow had been out drinking and taking cocaine prior to the incident but has been sober since July 9.

He described the incident as a ‘psychotic episode’ and said that he has sought help for his mental health issues.

Mr Sullivan added: “He is currently living an honest, industriou­s life and is doing all he can to improve his lifestyle.”

Addressing Mercer-Barlow in the dock, Recorder Paul Hodgkinson said: “The sight of you; a tall, big 28-year-old wandering around Oldham raising machetes and axes must have put the fear of God into people who were just going about their daily business. You then went to a park, of all places, where children were playing.

“You were hacking at trees, no doubt terrifying children and parents who had gone their to enjoy a day.”

Mercer-Barlow was sentenced to two years imprisonme­nt, suspended for two years. He will have to complete 100 hours of unpaid work and 40 rehabilita­tion activity requiremen­t under the conditions of his sentence.

Explaining the decision to suspend the sentence, Recorder Hodgkinson said: “I am persuaded, just, because of the work you have done upon yourself that I am able to suspend that sentence.”

He continued: “You have come incredibly close to being sent to prison today. I will remember you and I will reserve this case to me so if there are breaches, I will remember what I told you, how close you came and arguably how lucky you’ve been today.

“I am encouraged by the support of your family, I am encouraged by the fact you are working and I am encouraged by the things you have done since the incident. Keep it up, get the help that you need.”

 ?? ?? The overflowin­g bin pictured by Nathan Whittaker in popular Ancoats, inset
The overflowin­g bin pictured by Nathan Whittaker in popular Ancoats, inset
 ?? ?? Zackary Mercer-Barlow was spared jail
Zackary Mercer-Barlow was spared jail

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