MBR Mountain Bike Rider


Forget high-pivot idlers, Geometron goes back to the gearbox with a Pinion drivetrain on its latest G2


Geometron is one of the most influentia­l brands in mountain biking. Alongside Mondraker, much of the credit for today’s modern sizing and geometry must surely go to the Forest of Dean-based firm, which for a decade or more told all of us we were riding bikes too darned small. Of course it was right, and the industry and riders slowly crept closer to the geometry charts of Geometron’s now-retired G13, a bike built by Nicolai, but radically slackened and lengthened by Geometron.

Job done then. Except, the longer, lower and faster philosophy was only half the theme dreamed up by Chris Porter and Geometron. That left the complement­ary other half, the eventual eliminatio­n of the rear derailleur, hanging in the breeze.

Part two begins right here, with the brand’s latest and as-yet unnamed new bike, which for convenienc­e’s sake we’ll call the G2. Currently just a test rig, hence the multiple shock position points, the idea is to bring the bike up to date and add a Pinion gearbox option. History buffs amongst us will know Geometron already went down this road with a modified Geometron/nicolai

Ion GPI (look it up on mbr.co.uk) some seven years ago. So why now? After all,

Pinion has made no major changes to its gearbox short of reinforcin­g the chain tensioner and Smart.shift electronic shifter as an alternativ­e to grip shift.

“It does feel a little bit like going back to our roots where we started seven years ago,” says designer Marcel Lauxterman. “The main drive is that we want to do what excites us to ride for the next five or six years.”


The original Geometron bike with its Pinion gearbox and belt-drive was designed around a 10 or 11-speed drivetrain and therefore just wasn’t optimised for the straight chainline a gearbox with its single rear sprocket demands. “The G1 and the new bike are designed for a 12-speed gearbox and a 52 cassette, and that changes all the anti-squat values.”

The gearbox’s time has come at last then, Geometron says. The new G2 is built to take advantage of the new parts available to bike designers (shocks, drivetrain­s and hardwear) and integratin­g the better climbing efficiency developed for the G1 and adjusted via the multiple shock positions on the test rig.

“We are really happy with the kinematics of the G1 and all the adjustabil­ity of it and being able to alter the chainstay length,” explains Sam Robson from Geometron. “Integratin­g the Pinion gearbox was another step forward because we’ve now got a consistent chainline to make the

suspension platform more predictabl­e, without the chain flapping about.”

The goal, then, is to make the G2 Pinion bike feel exactly the same as the current G1, so a current Geometron rider need only get used to the gearbox, with no need to adapt to a new bike’s suspension feel or geometry. “That said, we’ve got different suspension layouts that we can test to further optimise the bike,” Sam explains.

Why the drive towards a gearbox in the first place though? Simple – it leads to better suspension performanc­e, which Geometron has always pushed for, and the effect could be as pronounced as ditching the front mech some 10 years ago, according to Marcel.

“With the standard 10-51 tooth cassette now gone from the bike, there’s no need to compromise the suspension performanc­e and try and optimise it for 12 different gears,” he says. “It’s nice from a frame designer’s perspectiv­e then and it’s similar to when we ditched the front mech, it opened up so many different variations on frame layout.”

Geometron’s original gearbox bike was ahead of its time and arguably too early for riders to get behind, while the cost was prohibitiv­e. “The market has definitely changed now though,” Sam says. “The bike design is still the largest cost but the second largest cost is now the drivetrain. With SRAM T-type, the second-most expensive thing on your bike is now a wearable part. If you’re spending £2,000 on a drivetrain per year then the market is ready for a more robust drivetrain package you get more value for money from. A lot of people would rather spend £1,500 on a gearbox that’s got a 10,000-mile service life on it.”

Geometron has always been an unorthodox brand, doing things differentl­y, not to make a splash, but in search of a better way. So while plenty of brands are adding complexity to their enduro bikes with high-pivot idler designs, Geometron is moving the other way. Is a gearbox a better way to control the chainline and thus improve suspension performanc­e? Probably. Are riders finally ready to throw away the deraileur in search of a better future? Perhaps.

 ?? ?? Geometron’s latest machine aims to complete its original derailleur-less mission
Geometron’s latest machine aims to complete its original derailleur-less mission
 ?? ?? The Pinion gearbox is back, but this time the suspension’s built around it
The Pinion gearbox is back, but this time the suspension’s built around it

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