MBR Mountain Bike Rider


£8,200 • 29in • saddleback.co.uk MONTH 13: Has a year with the Firebird Pro left James feeling lit up or burned out?


What attracted you to the Pivot Firebird?

I’ve long been a fan of the brand, ever since owning and racing a Pivot Les (hardtail) way back in 2011. Despite going through a phase where their frames were a shade on the ugly side, the new crop of models have been some of the most well proportion­ed and beautiful bikes on the market and consistent­ly well received. I’m also a Dw-link aficionado as I love pedalling up hills and the Firebird looked to be a great mix of long-travel fun and all-day pedalling efficiency.

Did you change anything straightaw­ay?

The day after I picked up the Firebird I went straight to the Alps for two weeks, so I didn’t have time to change anything. I had to just go with the chef’s choice of the standard spec. Luckily for me, every component of the bike works without any faults or niggles – even very personal items such as the saddle and grips. My bike did come with the wronglengt­h dropper though, providing a 170mm rather than 200mm drop, so that was the first thing that got swapped when I got back.

Was the bike easy to set up?

Very. Pivot provides simple set-up instructio­ns for the Fox Float X2 shock. The baseline settings felt really good from the off and the idiot-proof sag measuremen­t technique (line the O-ring up with the end of the piggy back reservoir) is genius level. I kept the geometry flip-chip in the low setting for the majority of the year, and following the set-up table found on the back of the Fox 38 fork also produced very usable results.

How did it ride?

It’s too easy to use the term ‘confidence inspiring’ when a bike has 170/165mm of travel front and rear. But the Firebird is hands down the one bike that has improved my riding beyond all others in recent memory. The reach numbers, when combined with the 50mm stem, make the size Large fit me like a custom frame. To use another cliche: I feel at home on this bike. It’s also what I would classify as a true enduro bike. One that is as much of a joy to pedal up the hills as it is to descend.

Did anything break or wear out?

The two parts of the spec I’ve had issues with have been the Shimano XT brakes and the WTB saddle. The brakes have needed way more TLC than any other set of brakes I currently have (including other XT brakes) and I’ve had to do a full bleed at least twice in the last year due to a wandering bite point and spongy lever action. The first WTB saddle split after a couple of months of use, and its

replacemen­t is now creaking so badly that I’m embarrasse­d to sit down when riding with company.

If you could change one thing about your longtermer what would it be?

There’s no getting away from the fact that the Super Boost 157mm rear end leaves you with a few compatibil­ity issues that might limit component choice down the line. Yes, I’m sure it does create a stronger rear wheel (mine has held up admirably) but not every brand produces parts, so I’d prefer it if the frame had standard 148mm boost hub spacing.

Would you buy this bike?

In a heartbeat. Even looking past the ride quality and sheer capability of the frame and component list, it’s the longterm stuff I really rate. The build quality of the carbon frame is super clean, cable routing is exactly how you want it and even after a year, all the frame bearings are as new. Also, this is the first frame with a press-fit bottom bracket that has not uttered a single noise.


 ?? ?? Wandering bite point issues called for two full brake bleeds
Wandering bite point issues called for two full brake bleeds
 ?? ?? Set-up guide makes it a cinch to dial in the Fox Float X2 shock
Set-up guide makes it a cinch to dial in the Fox Float X2 shock
 ?? ?? Dropper post stopped 30mm short so got swapped out pronto
Dropper post stopped 30mm short so got swapped out pronto
 ?? ?? The enduro-ready Firebird Pro gives you the courage to fly
The enduro-ready Firebird Pro gives you the courage to fly
 ?? ?? Silent press-fit BB is manna from heaven
Silent press-fit BB is manna from heaven

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