15,000-mile ‘egg run’*

*No actual eggs – but duo complete an epic African adventure


Two Merseyside bikers, Derek Charlton and Paul Gee have reached the end of 14,700-mile motorcycle trip down the west coast of Africa, raising funds for a children’s hospice.

Battling intense heat, terrible roads and the occasional corrupt cop, the pair covered almost 15,000 miles on what is quite possibly the longest Easter egg run ever.

Setting off just after New Year, the ride was in aid of Claire House, who provide end of life care to young people and offer support to family members. They visited 20 countries before reaching Cape Town in South Africa after three months on the road.

At the time of writing the fund raiser is approachin­g £10,000 but is still live for donations. The pair chose the cause as they usually take part in the Wirral Egg Run each year, a ride that often collects for Claire House.

“We knew we couldn’t attend the Egg Run this year so thought we’d do our own version through Africa,” Charlton told MCN.

“What stood out was how friendly everyone was. You get the odd corrupt official but no matter where you were, people just wanted to come over and speak – they would usually do anything to help you. That was the highlight for me.”

No great adventure is without adversity though, with Derek adding: “In Guinea we had to break camp because we were spotted by some guys who didn’t look quite right. We had to ride 70km in the dark down a dirt road, which is a bad idea in Africa, but it was better than being robbed.”

He further added: “Normally we just ignored the police roadblocks and blasted straight through them, but one time we got blocked in during a stop in Nigeria. He was demanding money, but we managed to haggle him down to a couple of Polo mints!”

They are now back in the UK having arranged return shipping for their bikes back home. Go to justgiving. com/page/derek-charlton17­0362419126­8 to donate.

 ?? ?? The best bit was meeting different people during the epic ride
Derek (left) and Paul in Africa
The best bit was meeting different people during the epic ride Derek (left) and Paul in Africa

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