Men's Fitness

On the grow

Reject the tyranny of the Meal Deal – invest in these products and eat healthily on the move


1 Sistema Salad To Go


Packaged salads often turn into a soggy mess after a few hours. This compartmen­talised lunch box solves that with five sections to keep everything separate until you’re ready to eat. It even has a screwtop well for storing dressing, hummus or whatever else you don’t want getting involved in proceeding­s until lunch time.

2 Nutribulle­t

£ 100 buynutribu­

Don’t let the tacky infomercia­ls fool you into thinking this must be rubbish – it’s a powerful-but-portable

blender that breaks down seeds, stems and tough skins with ease for a silky smooth, err, smoothie, without you

having to sieve out any potentiall­y nutritious bits. Unlike most blenders, it’s also easy to keep clean.

3 Prepped and Packed

£ 45 preppedand­

Created by body transforma­tion coach Ben Vincent, this dedicated food

bag is fully insulated and comes with three containers to help with portion control throughout the day. It also has a supplement box, space for two shakers (one of which is included) and gel freezer packs

to keep everything fresh.

4 Hydracup Dual Shaker

£ 13 tropicanaf­

You’ll get more from your workouts if you’re properly fuelled and hydrated. This chunky two-section shaker means you can have a preworkout and post-workout drink ready to go without having to carry baggies of suspicious-looking powders to the gym – or use it for an iced

coffee if you’re so inclined.

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