Men's Fitness



SEC Support your weight with your feet and forearms, keeping your body in line, feet together and elbows directly under your shoulders. Squeeze your abs and core to help you keep your hips up. Terry says ‘I work up to 90 seconds. Once that feels easy, I add a weight plate to my upper back.


EACH SIDE Stand side-on to a cable machine with the handle attached to the top, holding it with both hands. Chop your hands down and across your body in a swinging action. Return to the start. Terry says ‘The secret is to keep it slow and controlled. Don’t add too much weight – just make sure you’re getting as much time under tension as possible.’


O EACH SIDE Sit holding a medicine ball in front of your chest with both hands. Keeping a slight bend in your legs, tense your core and slowly twist to either side without letting the weight or your legs drop. Terry says ‘Again, slow and controlled is the key. You can do these with a weight plate or kettlebell too.’

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