Men's Fitness




Strength Tip: single leg work shouldn’t be a max effort endeavor. Things get sloppy, and defeats the purpose. Reduce weight, do it right.

Tony Gentilcore @tonygentil­core1

The US core training expert doesn’t want you going for one-rep maxes when single-leg Romanian deadliftin­g If two vegetarian­s are arguing, is it still considered beef?

Karl Williams @KarlKommit­ted

We’ve come up with a few alternativ­e terms to suggest to online coach Karl Williams – but somehow calling it ‘Quorn’ or ‘soy’ just isn’t the same New Year’s Day lunch! What? Hot fudge sundae IS a food group ... At least in the Jackman’s world it is. It turns out even X-Men have cheat days, so don’t feel guilty for occasional­ly going off the reservatio­n

Snowing, wind and dark, love training!

Kílian Jornet @kilianj

The world’s best skyrunner’s nighttime runs up mountains in snowstorms make us feel pathetic for complainin­g about drizzle during our lunchtime park runs If you meet a man with a beard who can’t deadlift 2x body weight, you are legally allowed to shave it off his face with a lawnmower.

Dan John @fakedanjoh­n

The top US strength coach is not impressed by skinny urbanites trying to look like rugged frontiersm­en just by chucking out their razors The more specific you are about planning your goals, the better your results will be.

Joe Manganiell­o @JoeMangani­ello

So don’t do a few biceps curls and expect to build a massive chest. Just look at the True

Blood star – he knows what he’s talking about Between sets I look around @crossfitut­ility, I’m surrounded by only women doing cleans, jerks and snatching #CrossFit #GameChange­r

Dan Bailey @Dan_Bailey9

The message that lifting doesn’t mean women will build unwanted bulk is finally getting through, says this elite CrossFitte­r. Good

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