Men's Fitness

The French fat-loss connection

Burn belly fat with an egg breakfast


Try swapping your toast and jam breakfast for French toast with fruit to reduce your waistline

When you want to lose weight, what you eat for breakfast can have a big role to play in your success - and there are few better fat-burning brekkies than a couple of eggs. That’s according to a study presented at the European Congress on Obesity, which found people who ate two eggs in the morning reported feeling fuller for longer than those who ate cereals and subsequent­ly ate less at lunch. Blood tests showed levels of the hunger hormone ghrelin were lower in those who had eggs while levels of PYY, a hormone that makes us feel full, were higher. If you’re worried about high cholestero­l, don’t be: research by the British Nutrition Foundation found that the cholestero­l in eggs has minimal effect on your risk of heart disease. Make having eggs for breakfast easy with the delicious French toast recipe below.

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