Men's Fitness

Aim Lose 1kg


Business time. You’re already in rare air, hovering somewhere around the 10-12% body fat range, with a six-pack starting to appear. You want to go further, but this is where things get slightly tougher. No amount of training is going to make up for the occasional biscuit binge, so if you’re serious about seeing your abs then discipline is the watchword. You probably already train hard, but at this stage consistenc­y is key: missed sessions become more important.

You’re heading into tricky territory here: for most people, getting below 10% body fat is something to aim for once or twice a year, not a sustainabl­e lifestyle. So you’ll need to work out five or six days a week, avoid processed carbs, and start measuring food or counting macros. In short, the leaner you want to be, the more behaviours you’ll have to change – so the important thing is to find a healthy balance that works for you.

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