Men's Fitness




If you want to drop to single-digit body fat, processed carbs and puddings need to be a once-aweek treat. One option is to save them for a weekend cheat meal; a better one is to refine your palate. Instead of cheesecake, try Courtney Pruce’s dessert smoothie. “Whizz some protein powder, ice, almond milk, green veggies, nut butter, coconut oil, nuts or flaxseeds for healthy fats, frozen berries or banana in a blender. You can drink it on the go.”


“Carb cycling has been shown to be more effective for fat loss than adjusting quantity of food,” says nutrition coach Josh Hillis. Every day, aim to have 2g of protein per kilo of your target bodyweight. For a low-carb day, add 50-80g of carbs, and fill in the rest of your calories with healthy fats. For a high-carb day, flip this – less carbs, more fat. Aim for four low-carb days a week, two high-carb and one day when you don’t count macros.


It isn’t a race, as your mum (probably) used to say – eat slowly and you’ll naturally stop when your satiety hormones kick in. Avoid eating on the run or while watching TV, and chew your food until it’s almost liquid in your mouth. This’ll give your stomach more time to catch up with your appetite and also aids digestion, helping your metabolism and upping the nutrition you can extract from your food.

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