Men's Fitness



Before anything else, you should selfassess to make sure you’ve got the strength, control and shoulder flexibilit­y to pull off tougher moves. One advantage of rings training is the increased range of motion it allows, but without strong shoulder ligaments, that can cause trouble. If you can do the below, you’re all set; if not, start on one rep or three seconds of each move, and increase it with every workout.


Jump into the top position of a dip – elbows locked, rings close to your body, knuckles facing your sides. Hold for a second, then turn your knuckles outward. This locks your elbows into position, making the position more stable. Target 15sec


With the rings above you, grab on and hang with “activated” shoulders - aim to pull your shoulders away from your ears while keeping your arms straight. Tuck your knees to your chest and hold. Target 15sec


It’s harder than the regular version, though keeping the rings close to your body will help. Lean forward on the rings and lower until their edges touch your armpits, then press up. Target 5 reps


Start with your palms facing each other and brace your abs to minimise swinging. As you pull, twist your palms to face you, pause at the top – then lower. Target 5 reps

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