Men's Fitness


Sculpt a hard, strong six-pack with this gym ball circuit


Made easy – with six new six-pack supermoves!

1 Incline press-up Reps 10

To sculpt a rockhard six-pack you need to work your abs harder than ever before. Do this sixmove circuit in order, only resting at the end, four times. It starts with a pressup variation that works your entire core thanks to the instabilit­y created by using the ball.

How to do it

Start in a press-up position but with your palms on the gym ball, shoulderwi­dth apart. Brace your core and bend your elbows to lower your chest to the ball. Press back up powerfully to the start.

2 Crunch twist Reps 10

This move works your upper abs as well as your obliques, or side abs. Keep each rep smooth and controlled with your abs engaged throughout.

How to do it

Lie with your back on the ball, your feet flat on the floor and your fingers touching your temples. Contract your upper abs to raise your torso off the ball. As you come up twist to one side, pause, then twist all the way to the other side and pause. Return to the start to complete one rep.

3 Russian twist Reps 10

This next exercise continues to tax your obliques hard, helping them grow so you can sculpt a strong and tight six-pack.

How to do it

Lie with your upper back supported on the gym ball with arms straight above your chest and hands together. Keeping your arms straight and together, rotate your torso to one side to lower your hands towards the ground. Pause, then twist all the way to the other side and pause. Return to the start to complete one rep.

4 Pike Reps 10

This move requires a full activation of your deep-lying core muscles so your upper and lower body can work as a single unit.

How to do it

Hold your body in a straight line from head to heels with your feet on the ball and your hands directly beneath your shoulders. Contract your abs to draw your feet towards your hands so your body forms an inverted V-shape. Brace your core throughout the set to stay stable, and breathe in as you raise your hips and out as you lower.

5 Roll-out Reps 10

Roll-outs on a ball are harder than on a barbell because your entire core must work hard to prevent sideways movement of the ball as you roll it forwards and back.

How to do it

Kneel in front of the gym ball and rest your forearms on the side of the ball closest to you. Extend your arms to roll the ball forwards, using your abs muscles to control the wobble and keep your body steady. Then roll it back again slowly to return to the start, keeping your back flat throughout.

6 Incline plank Time 60sec

The final move of the circuit is an incline plank, done for time, not reps. Keep your core tight throughout and breathe slowly and consistent­ly.

How to do it

Get into the plank position but with your hands clasped together and resting on the gym ball. Engage your core and glutes, then raise your hips so that your body forms a straight line from head to heels. Hold without letting your hips sag. Rest for three minutes then repeat the circuit, completing it four times in total.

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