Men's Fitness

How to build a 14-DAY BEACH BODY!


If you’ve booked your summer holiday but forgotten to pack on some lean, hard muscle until now, fear not: our last-minute beach body plan will build muscle mass across your chest, shoulders and arms, while stripping fat from your belly, so you can hit the sand with a leaner and more defined V-shaped torso. In an ideal world you’d have at least four weeks to make a really big change to how you look without a shirt, but any effort you put in should pay some handsome rewards. Even if you’ve only got a week or two, following the workouts on the following pages will build wider shoulders, a broader chest and bigger arms. Following the workouts couldn’t be easier: do them in order, sticking to the exercise order, sets, reps and rest. For maximum results leave a day between sessions to let your muscles recover, and add in a high-intensity interval session (if you feel energised) to fire up your body’s fat-burning potential.

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