Men's Fitness


This session works your triceps and biceps alternatel­y, which is a time-efficient way to build bigger arms, and allows effective recovery between moves to enable you to lift hard and heavy for every set to maximise your muscle returns.


Close-grip bench press

Sets 5

Reps 8

Rest 30sec

Why A narrow grip shifts the workload away from your chest towards your triceps. How Lie holding a barbell with a shoulder-width grip. Lower the bar towards your chest, then press it back up to the start.

Underhand lat pull-down

Sets 5

Reps 8

Rest 60sec

Why Using this grip works your biceps far harder than when using an overhand grip. How Take an underhand, shoulderwi­dth grip on the bar. Retract your shoulder blades, keep your chest up and pull the bar down in front of you until it reaches your upper chest. Return back to the start.

EZ-bar triceps extension

Sets 4

Reps 10

Rest 30sec

Why It isolates your triceps and works them through a full range of motion. Don’t compromise form by going too heavy. How Stand tall, holding an EZ-bar overhead with straight arms and an overhand, shoulder-width grip. Lower the bar behind your head, then straighten your arms to return to the start.

Sets 3

Reps 12

Rest 30sec

Why The cable keeps tension on your triceps during both the lowering and the lifting part of each rep so they are always engaged. How Stand in front of a cable machine and hold the ropes with a palms-facing grip. Keeping your elbows tight to your sides, press the ropes down until your arms are straight, then return to the start. Sets 3

Reps 12

Rest 60sec

Why The cable’s constant tension means you work your biceps hard. How Hold the ropes with a palms-facing grip. Keeping your elbows tight to your sides, curl up to shoulder height. Squeeze your biceps, then return to the start. Sets 4

Reps 10

Rest 60sec

Why It hits your biceps hard without straining your wrists. How Stand tall holding an EZ-bar with an underhand, shoulderwi­dth grip. Curl the bar up to shoulder height, pause, then lower the bar under control back to the start. Squeeze your biceps at the top and stretch your triceps at the bottom of each rep.

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