Men's Fitness



1 Kettlebell walking lunge

Sets 4

Time 30sec

Rest 60sec

Why The lunge is a great exercise because it works both sides of your body independen­tly and requires you to balance your body in unstable positions. The walking version adds an extra co-ordination challenge and keeps tension on your muscles for the duration of the set. How Hold a kettlebell in each hand then lunge forwards so that both knees are bent at 90°. Straighten up by bringing your back leg through and lunge forwards with that leg. Continue that movement for the duration of the set without resting.

2 Battle rope slam

Sets 4

Time 30sec

Rest 60sec

Why Treadmills, rowers and Wattbikes are all fine for highintens­ity cardio, but what if you want a high-intensity option that targets the shoulders and biceps? That’s where battle ropes come in. Because they allow you to work at an all-out pace with very little chance of over-fatigue injury, they’re ideal for short, nasty bursts of cardio. How Hold a rope in each hand, raise both arms and then slam them down together, aiming to create a wave that travels all the way to the anchor point. For added cardio benefits, throw in a slight jump with each slam. You can also do this alternatin­g arms.

3 Overhead carry walk

Sets 2

Time 30sec each side

Rest 60sec

Why Weighted carries are great for building whole-body strength endurance and this version adds an extra shoulder stability test into the mix. You’ll also get a considerab­le test of your core strength because your trunk is forced to work hard to stay in a strong position. How Press a kettlebell overhead and make sure that your shoulder is in a stable position. Walk forwards while holding the weight directly overhead. If you feel that your form is being compromise­d because of fatigue, stop the set, rest and go again.

4 Press-up burpee (not pictured)

Sets 3

Reps 10 Rest 60sec

Why No-one really likes burpees but they get your heart racing and develop explosive power in a safe way. The press-up variation adds an upper body strength element. How From standing, drop into a crouch with your hands on the floor, then jump both legs back so that you’re in the top of a press-up position. Perform a press-up, then jump your legs forwards and spring up so that your feet leave the floor, keeping your body straight. Go straight into the next rep.

5 Powerbag Zercher carry

Sets 4

Time 30sec

Rest 60sec

Why This loaded carry targets your biceps, which are held in an isometric contractio­n for the duration of the set. See, we told you there would be glory as well as guts in this workout. How Hold a power bag in the crook of your arms and walk. It’s that simple. The set is over when you drop the bag or start whimpering.

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