Men's Health (UK)



This fat-culling, stamina-boosting workout will help you find out how big your tank really is, with a selection of kit that demands cardio fitness, functional strength and explosive power. Complete the circuit three times, resting for a minute between each round. Make sure you fuel up before starting; running out of gas isn’t an option

01 \ ROW 500M A leisurely paddle this ain’t – the aim is to go as fast as you can. Keep your core tight and shoulders down as you push off with your legs ( A) and just before they straighten, bend your arms, using your back muscles to finish the pull ( B). Reverse by extending your arms, before bending your legs.

02 \ DEADLIFT 10 REPS Go straight from cardio to strength training by deadliftin­g your bodyweight on the bar. Bend your knees and hips to take hold with an overhand grip, hands shoulder-width apart ( A). Straighten your legs slightly to load the tension, then squeeze your glutes to lift the bar and stand tall ( B). Lower. Do nine more, then move on.

03 \ SLAM BALL 10 REPS Next up, transfer your strength into power with explosive slams. Stand with your knees slightly bent, holding a medicine ball above your head. Now reach up as high as you can ( A) and tense your core as you bend your hips to slam the ball against the floor ( B). Let your arms follow through to catch the ball on its way up and go straight into the next rep.

04 \ STANDARD PULL-UP TO FAILURE With your muscles fatigued, complete as many pull-ups as possible. Hang from a bar using a forward grip with hands just wider than shoulderwi­dth ( A). Pull up to touch the top of your chest to the bar ( B). Lower under control until your arms are fully extended. You’ve got a minute to recover before round two.

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