Men's Health (UK)




Adding weight to the knee raise will increase definition in your lower abs. Hanging from an overhead bar, hold a dumbbell between your feet with your legs straight ( A). Now lift your knees up as high as you can ( B), so they are at least parallel with the ground. Slowly lower the weight back down. Take a deep breath…

A strong core is more than just a six-pack, so don’t neglect the muscles in your lower back. On a backextens­ion machine, secure one foot close to the middle of the apparatus and free your other leg. Keep your abs tensed and your spine neutral as you slowly flex forward at your hips ( A), before hinging back up ( B). Perform five reps on each side.

Squat inside a loaded trap bar and grip the handles ( A). The shape of the trap bar focuses this move on your core by keeping the weight close to your centre of mass. Keep your chest up and lift the bar from the floor as fast as you can, until you are standing up straight ( B). Lower the bar over a five-second count. Rest for 90 seconds after each set.

Stand with your feet at shoulder width with your arms bent, your hands in front of your chest and a barbell in the crook of your elbows ( A). This position feels less stable, and it forces your abs to work harder to keep you upright. With your back straight, bend your knees and lower your body until your elbows reach your thighs ( B). Push yourself back up to the starting position.

Switch on your entire core by performing a mix of elevated and floor moves. With your feet on a bench and your arms straight, grab a light dumbbell in one hand ( A). Twist your torso as you raise the dumbbell until it is in line with your arm on the floor ( B). Keep your arms straight as you lower it back down. After six reps, repeat with your other arm.

Stand in front of a bench holding a kettlebell in front of your right shoulder ( A). Squat down to sit on the bench while extending your right leg in front of you, keeping it straight ( B). Don’t let it touch the floor. The uneven loading of this move activates your abs as you’re forced to balance. The hard part is trying to push back up. Switch legs after eight reps.

Upgrade your pull-ups to build not just a V-shaped back but chiselled abs, too. Hang with your arms straight, as with a normal widegrip pull-up. Draw your shoulders back to start the pull ( A), then bring your chest to the bar. At the top of the pull-up ( B), pause for a second before lowering your body as slowly as you can over a minimum of four seconds.

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