Men's Health (UK)


Poultry is a training staple, but lamb is the mature choice for fitness that will last a lifetime


Protein puritans have long been sheepish when it comes to eating lamb. Because of its fatty reputation, it places way below chicken and turkey in the post-workout pecking order. But, according to new science, these myopic musclemen are wrong. When it comes to your Sunday lunch, lamb is truly a cut above.

Biologists at the University of Bari Aldo Moro in Italy have discovered that a compound in the meat can significan­tly reduce the age-related decline of muscle endurance. As a result, lamb could help you maintain the 10K stamina of your twenties – not to mention the abs – well into your fifties. Older muscles are less effective at converting nutrients into energy, as the mitochondr­ia (in essence, your cells’ batteries) become inefficien­t. Combine this with the 1% per year drop in testostero­ne you experience after hitting your thirties and the race to outrun Father Time is increasing­ly an uphill battle.

But the L-carnitine in lamb may hold the answer. In the study, an acetylated form of the compound not only increased test subjects’ levels of new mitochondr­ia, but restored some function to those that were beginning to deteriorat­e. For you, this means a boost to your muscle endurance that will have younger rivals struggling to keep pace.

Make lamb the centrepiec­e of your roast and you’ll dine out on around 190mg of L-carnitine per 100g, which is more than double the content of the next best source, beef. So, carve out fitness for life this weekend. A spoonful of mint sauce won’t go amiss, either.

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