Men's Health (UK)


It’s an unfair fact of fitness that the harder you work to burn calories, the more desperatel­y you yearn to replace them. Use this guide to get a handle on your hunger and fuel a more impressive midriff



“Fasted training is a great way to burn fat,” says nutritioni­st Matt Hodges, but it can also awaken an appetite like no other. Your hunger hormones spike when your blood sugar drops, so mainlining nothing but whey post-workout could be what’s triggering you to overeat. Instead, try stocking up on glucose with this smoothie, then let your body rebalance for 30-50 minutes before eating.


• Pineapple, 100g • A kiwi, chopped • Fresh ginger, grated • Maple syrup, splash • Coconut water, 200ml


01 Chop the fruit, leaving the skin on the kiwi for triple the satiating fibre. Grate in the blood sugar-stabilisin­g fresh ginger. 02 Add the syrup – choose maple over golden for an additional source of antioxidan­ts – and the coconut water, then blend, adding extra water to reach the texture you



A busy afternoon may tempt you to train on empty after work, but depleted glycogen will leave you vulnerable to overindulg­ing as soon as you’re back within reach of a fridge. Refuel and subdue your cravings with Hodges’s go-to pre-workout snack: a raw-food take on the classic Oreo cookie.


For the cookie

• Almond flour, 180g

• Coconut oil, 60ml • Agave nectar, 3tbsp • Cocoa powder, 30g • Salt, pinch

For the cream

• Coconut oil, 60ml • Cashew butter, 60g • Agave nectar, 3tbsp • Coconut milk, 60ml • Vanilla extract, ¼tsp


01 Blend the cookie ingredient­s in a food processor until it forms a dough, then refrigerat­e. Almond flour is a bona fide hunger suppressan­t. Rinse out your blender, then blitz the cream ingredient­s together, too.

02 Form the dough

into 16 discs, then press eight of them into a muffin tin. Top with cream, followed by another chocolate disc. Freeze your cookies overnight, then pack in your Tupperware for tomorrow’s presession snack.

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