Men's Health (UK)


Finish your workouts stronger with our barbell ladder, designed to build muscle and boost fitness in 110 brutal reps



For this total-body blast, you’ll be employing a reverse ladder format. Perform 10 reps of your cluster barbell complex, followed by 10 burpees, with a lateral jump over the bar in each rep. Then return to the barbell for another round, this time hitting nine reps, followed by nine burpees over the bar. Continue steadily in this fashion, removing a rep from both movements, until you reach one rep for each and have completed a total of 110 unforgivin­g reps.


Load a barbell to a weight that you can press overhead for a max of 15-20 reps. Hinge down and grasp it with an overhand grip. Stand back up with a slight jump, using the momentum to pull the barbell up onto your shoulders. As soon as the bar is secure, push your hips back and drop into a front squat, pause as your thighs break parallel to the floor, then stand up and drive the bar into the air. Lower to your shoulders under control, then return it to the floor. That’s one cluster. Sorry.


After your final rep, take a breather to gather your resolve. Squat down and place your hands on the floor. Jump both of your legs directly behind you, finishing at the top of a press-up position. Lower your chest to the ground, before pressing back up explosivel­y. Jump your feet towards your chest and leap into the air, moving laterally over the bar and landing on the other side.


Once you have completed 10 reps of each movement, start a new round – this time performing nine clusters, followed by nine burpees over the bar. Remove a rep from each movement with every new round until you hit a single rep. The gradual drop may make it look as though the workout gets easier, but you’ll have to muster all of your might to keep up the pace. Good luck.

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