Men's Health (UK)

05 Slam Down Stress Levels


For some, yoga is an effective salve for the frustratio­ns of modern life. For others, slamming and sprinting are more productive ways to burn through daily anxieties and restore serenity. Working in short, powerful bursts is ideal for relieving muscle tension, while a University of Georgia study found that stressed people feel calmer after hard exercise. The gym won’t know what hit it.

THE FORMAT “With this workout, you don’t need to worry about rep counts or which weights you want to use,” says Hancock. “Just set a timer and get to it.” Perform these six moves for 40 seconds each and complete four rounds in total, resting for 60 seconds at the end of each. Make sure you have all of your kit set up, so you’re not tripping over the ropes mid-shuttle.

01/ Ball Slam

Stand with your feet at shoulder-width, then lift the slam ball above your head, while fully extending your body. Throw it to the ground in front of you, dipping your knees to catch it on the bounce and propelling it back up for the next rep.

02/ Battle Rope Slam

Next, grab a rope end in each hand and bend your knees. In one explosive movement, lift the ropes to shoulder height, rising up onto your toes, then slam the ropes down. Move straight into the next rep, making sure that you maintain a rhythm.

03/ Shuttle Run

Now, drop the ropes and run back and forth between two markers, tapping the ground between your feet as you turn. If you don’t have the space to run in your gym, you can sub in jumping jacks or bunny hops over a bench.

04/ Farmer’s Walk

Grab two heavy kettlebell­s. Retract your shoulder blades, tighten your abs and carry the weights back and forth. This will allow your heart rate to come down before you start swinging…

05/ Kettlebell Swing

Grab a lighter weight if necessary. Bend at your hips, keeping your back straight, then drive your hips forward to swing the weight up until your arms are parallel to the floor, allowing momentum to carry it back.

06/ Kettlebell Thruster

Holding two kettlebell­s in a rack position, drop into a squat, keeping your chest up. Accelerate as you reach the top of the squat and drive the weights overhead until your arms are extended. Drop back into a squat.

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