Metal Hammer (UK)

The Body


- eleCTrower­kZ, London CHERYL CARTER

Portland duo unleash electro-shock therapy

CASUAL NUN’S [7] psychedeli­c, fuzzy rock may seem like an odd choice for the opener of tonight’s show of extremity, but the Londoners utilise their time well. The drumming duo are almost as enthrallin­g as frontman Vasili Sakkos and his curious, and occasional­ly striking, wails. They aren’t everyone’s cup of tea but they are certainly a band to watch out for. New York’s two-man UNIFORM [8] conjure up a terrorindu­cing rave with screaming guitars, processed beats and electrifyi­ng vocals from Michael Berdan. The elements combine to create mind-melting, industrial­ised punk rock that pulses with spite and pushes one attendee so far that he’s soon escorted out. It’s a furious and wildly intense set that won’t be forgotten quickly. THE BODY’S [9] far too short but punishing performanc­e is completely electronic tonight, a move that only pushes their extremity ever further. A fairly acquired taste, they never make the same record twice and this evening that creativity is expressed through pounding beats, Chip King’s instantly recognisab­le scream and painful squalls of noise. Hail To Thee, Everlastin­g Pain is an industrial nightmare that builds claustroph­obic walls around horrific cries while Empty Hearth and its super-strange intro injects ever-increasing fear into proceeding­s. The Body are wholly disturbing and tonight they are on fire.

 ??  ?? The Body are going to give you bad vibrations
Uniform’s Michael Berdan: rave-ing mad
The Body are going to give you bad vibrations Uniform’s Michael Berdan: rave-ing mad

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