Metal Hammer (UK)



Jun-his and Ontto reveal their favourite futuristic visions


Glassworks (1982)

Jun-his: “I rarely find myself in such wonder of how instrument­al music can feel so meaningful, amazing and visual. I can visualise an abstract painting being made while listening to this, one stroke at a time. It has echoes of something futuristic but also timeless – a beautiful technologi­cal future.”

Ontto: “It has a futuristic pulse that easily takes you to the skyscraper­s of a glass city. The pattern form of the compositio­n also takes my mind to the atomic level, where substances form their own circles and play along to their inner logic. It’s extremely beautiful in its indifferen­ce towards life’s existentia­l anguish.”


Dan Simmons (1989)

Ontto: “One of the most immersive sci-fi books I have read. It’s a dreamlike journey, where each passenger on a spaceship tells their own peculiar tale. It includes some of the most unnerving nightmaris­h visions I’ve encountere­d in literature, sometimes reaching even psychedeli­c levels. Like the quantum mystic animal/god who impales victims on a huge spike tree, or the cross-shaped parasites. The book has inspired some of my lyrics, like Uusi Olento Nousee from Kosmonumen­t”.


Dir: Alfonso Cuarón (2006)

Jun-his: “It’s a film that portrays a slow-motion apocalypse perfectly. Things seem quite normal on the surface, but underneath there is a vortex that will pick up speed and suck everyone in. The long camera shots seem almost unreal with the amount of things that are happening. That sort of care is only possible if you love what you do and believe it has a deeper meaning.”

Ontto: “It’s sci-fi but a very realistic story. People stop having children, but it could also be something else, like a virus. The terror in the movie is not the illness itself, but the total fall of civilisati­on. It’s happening bit by bit, and reminds you how easily things can fall apart.”

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