Metal Hammer (UK)


The German thrashers are due to hit the UK with their reschedule­d dates later this year


How have you been doing during lockdown?

Schmier (bass/vocals): “We decided to release a spontaneou­s live record! We thought the fans might appreciate a live album and it gave us something to do. It was a win-win situation.”

Have you had any personal projects on the go?

“I was super-busy with the live album and I’m managing and producing Burning Witches from Switzerlan­d. I’ve had a busy lockdown so far, but it’s kept me sane in these weird times!”

Has it been frustratin­g seeing all your shows postponed? “Yes, but we saw that coming really fast and I accepted it and we looked for solutions. The second wave of summer festival cancellati­ons was worse. Everybody was hopeful that Open Air events with limited capacity could maybe possible.”

How’s it looking from your perspectiv­e for this UK tour to still go ahead later this year?

“I am hopeful but we’re also making plans and have a new timeframe in case we have to postpone again. As we had two concerts in Switzerlan­d already this summer, we know it is possible to do shows. But it needs to have a good structure and people need to be aware and, most likely, wear masks.”

What are you most looking forward to for when the world goes back to normal?

“There will be no ‘normal’, I think. Stuff will be different after this year. As a musician, life without concerts just isn’t possible, so I’m looking forward to finding a solution and finding out what the new concert world will look like. I miss playing, travelling and meeting our fans.”

What else do you guys (tentativel­y!) have planned for 2020? “We’re in touch with countries that are open about concert options. We’ll play again, as soon as it makes sense. Countries with almost no corona cases will return earlier back to the live market. It is important to keep on working, stay positive and look into options. There are many pessimisti­c opinions about the future of shows, but I believe in a return earlier than most people think – it is important to keep the faith!”

 ??  ?? Destructio­n: keeping the faith
Destructio­n: keeping the faith

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