Metro (UK)



■ M Reader says the ‘mostly black people’ who held a street party in Brixton – which left up to 30 police injured when they broke it up – should have instead joined the thousands of ‘mostly white’ people on the Essex beach, where they would have been left unbothered (MetroTalk, Mon). I agree. The Angel Town estate party should have partied on Southend beach. They then would not be disturbing the residents of a residentia­l area. Not everybody wants blaring music and hundreds of people ten yards from their bedroom after finishing a 15-hour shift at work.

Rupert, London

■ As a regular theatregoe­r of 40 years I totally agree with everything said by Dame Helen Mirren and your chief theatre critic Claire Allfree about the urgent need to support Britain’s theatre industry, so devastated by the coronaviru­s crisis (Metro, Tue). Nothing can replace the atmosphere as the lights go down and the curtain opens. David Sandler, London

■ My girlfriend is living and working away in Devon for a year and we’ve not seen each other since before lockdown. Now that the rules allow it, I’m driving down there next week. Here’s the thing – if there are idiots enough here in London or down there in the south-west, whose behaviour and pig-headedness means she or I are placed back under lockdown as has happened in Leicester, to say I wouldn’t be happy wouldn’t do it justice. I may get so furious I’ll need an eye test. Paul, London

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