Metro (UK)




4. Scattered, scanty (6)

7. Estrange (8)

8. Foolish or dull person (6)

10. Originate (5)

13. Skeleton part (4)

14. Insect (4)

15. Hospital room (4)

16. Go by plane (3)

17. Epochs (4)

19. Musical instrument (4)

21. One living next door (9)

23. Chant (4)

24. Rage (4)

26. Short punch (3)

27. Burden (4)

29. Muslim ruler (4)

32. Petrol, for example (4)

33. Hauteur (5)

34. Numerical symbol (6)

35. Industriou­s (8)

36. Vegetable (6)


1. Precocious girl, informally (5)

2. Lawful (5)

3. Leg joint (4)

4. Spanish man (5)

5. Poker stake (4)

6. Smother (6)

9. Opposite of outdoor (6)

11. Noisy quarrel (3)

12. Lustre (5)

13. Diffident, timid (7)

15. Wit (3)

16. In favour of (3)

18. Hardship (6)

20. Purchaser (5)

21. Pen part (3)

22. Public transport vehicle (3)

23. Salty (6)

25. Offer (3)

28. Poor (5)

30. Skinflint (5)

31. Puts one’s feet up (5)

32. Merge (4)

33. Couple (4)

 ??  ??

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