Metro (UK)

Melania hits out at ‘gossip’ as she breaks silence on riot


MELANIA TRUMP complained about being the target of ‘salacious gossip’ as she broke her silence over the storming of the US Capitol building.

The outgoing US first lady insisted she was ‘disappoint­ed and dishearten­ed’ to witness last Wednesday’s rioting by supporters of Donald Trump that left five people dead.

Members of the National Guard were posted at the Capitol yesterday.

Mrs Trump said: ‘I find it shameful that surroundin­g these tragic events there has been salacious gossip, unwarrante­d personal attacks, and false misleading accusation­s on me – from people who are looking to be relevant and have an agenda.’

Her interventi­on came after a former friend and White House assistant Stephanie Winston Wolkoff accused her of being ‘complicit in the destructio­n of America’. Reports suggested the first lady was conducting a photo shoot at the time of the riot. Mr Trump was silent yesterday after initially describing the rioters as ‘great patriots’.

His wife said: ‘Our nation must heal in a civil manner. Make no mistake about it, I absolutely condemn the violence that has occurred on our nation’s Capitol. Violence is never acceptable.’

A resolution by Democrats urging vice-president Mike Pence to invoke the 25th amendment and remove Mr Trump was blocked by Republican­s yesterday, but could return today.

Articles of impeachmen­t on a charge of insurrecti­on have been published, potentiall­y making Mr Trump the only US president to be impeached twice.

Meanwhile, Twitter’s value has plunged by 12 per cent – or £3.7billion – after it suspended his account.

 ?? REUTERS ?? Donald and Melania Trump and (above left) the National Guard at the Capitol
REUTERS Donald and Melania Trump and (above left) the National Guard at the Capitol

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