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How did you get involved in this cause?

Through Mum’s best friend, the actress Joanna David. She underwent emergency brain surgery at the National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurge­ry in 1993 and they saved her life, so it’s been very close to our hearts for years. It happened when her son Freddie Fox, now an actor along with his sister Emilia, was very young, and through Joanna I’ve learned just how extraordin­ary this hospital is. It saved our very dear friend and we can all relate to that at the moment. It’s very humbling when you feel helpless during the pandemic to at least be able to help the National Brain Appeal. This emergency fund is to support hospital staff, providing microwaves to help them get through long shifts, as well as vouchers and iPads for wards so that patients can do video calls with loved ones who can’t visit.

You’re reading a Magic Roundabout story written by

Eric Thompson, your dad…

My dad was an extraordin­ary man of words and wit. His Roundabout stories are really something and it’s always lovely to read them. When my children were small they used to listen to a Dougal And The Blue Cat

LP. My dad’s voice is wonderful and I feel so privileged to hear it still, nearly 40 years after his death. His stories were for all ages, he didn’t differenti­ate in his mind between adults and children, and he never made ‘goo-goo’ and ‘gaa-gaa’ noises at little children – he’d always engage them with proper conversati­on.

Did you do the reading during lockdown?

I recorded it from home, where I’ve had a crash course in computer technology, and it’s been quite amazing. I’d never even done Facetime before because I’m not technicall­y minded – or maybe I am but I just didn’t do it until I needed to.

How did you find lockdown?

I was lucky because I knew my neighbours, and it was brilliant all doing the clap for the NHS, but I’ve subsequent­ly moved to a new area. Me and my sons moved ourselves in a hire van because it was lockdown, which was pretty epic for us, but we had masses to do. So although it was very strange, it also meant we had an extraordin­ary amount of free time to pack down a life and move it elsewhere.

I feel quite lucky because I’ve always liked being under the radar

Did it help break the monotony of lockdown?

It’s been lovely to have time to explore another part of London at a time when it’s limping along. I didn’t realise I was going to be so close to the river and I found it an incredible comfort to go down, like finding hidden treasure. The Thames has become my new best friend and I love to go to the edge of it, where you sense all the history and the bigger picture.

Have there been any lessons from lockdown?

People have returned to their local shops, which are the absolute eyes and ears of the community. When it comes to retail, it’s not about being the biggest or the best – whatever that means – it’s about being part of something which connects people. I hope we can hold on to some of that once lockdown ends. I hope people realise ‘I really like going to the greengroce­rs’ or ‘I really enjoy having a chat at the fishmonger­s’ or ‘I got to know the local grocer and that doesn’t happen at the retail park.’

Do you get recognised out and about?

I feel quite lucky because I’ve always liked being under the radar and my superpower of choice – apart from flying, which, let’s face it, is everyone’s choice – is a cloak of invisibili­ty. So when I play a part I want to disappear and inhabit another bit of story. I’m rather bored with me but as an actor I get to pretend to be other people. But yes, every now and then people see me in the street and say, ‘Don’t I know you from somewhere?’

You’re a great cook…

I love the way you say ‘great’! I did win Celebrity MasterChef and last week

I was back to do the judging of the new celebrity one. Judging was tough because, to begin with, I just wanted to be lovely about everything but you do find a way to give constructi­ve criticism which doesn’t sound too harsh.

Your elder sister is Emma – do you talk about acting when you’re together?

Oh, people have such funny ideas about actors – we don’t really talk about work, more the things we’ve seen. Emma’s been really busy as there’s so much being made, which is great. Film sets are quite controlled environmen­ts and there’s always protocols anyway, so putting Covid-safe protocols into place is less difficult than in some scenarios.

To watch the #BrainAppea­lStoryTime playlist of stories and poetry performed by more than 40 celebrity supporters of the National Brain Appeal go to To donate to the charity’s Emergency Care Fund go to campaign/emergency-appeal

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. Busy sister:. . Emma Thompson.
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. Life saved:. . Joanna David.
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