Mid Sussex Times

Nominate inspiratio­nal women for recognitio­n

- Mims Davies

Irecently met in Pease Pottage with South East Water's chief executive and his team alongside my Sussex colleague Jeremy Quin MP for a joint update.

We were very keen to get an update on the ongoing steps they’re taking to improve resilience following the outage that impacted many constituen­ts in the run up to Christmas in December of 2022 and this has been one of a number of outages from heat, cold and windy conditions.

Steps were put in place to see what improvemen­ts are there that underscore­s our Plan for Water then, but they need constant monitoring which we’re doing on behalf of our constituen­ts.

Meanwhile, I’ve been supporting constituen­ts in Staplefiel­d, who have been flabbergas­ted to have very little notice of a new wetlands plan from Southern Water in the hamlet with next to no engagement and notice. Consultati­on has been missing and frustratio­n is high, and we should expect better from these companies.

This March is Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month. I was pleased to attend the Westminste­r event and become a Teal Hero raising awareness. With 41,000 women living with ovarian cancer, yet little awareness of the disease. We must improve awareness, so women know the symptoms to look out for, seek help and receive the treatment needed.

So together we can empower women to see their GP if concerned. Ovarian cancer is the sixth most common cause of cancer deaths amongst women in the UK. With no screening tool, awareness and understand­ing is imperative.

The theme of this year’s Internatio­nal Women’s Day was about inspiring inclusion, and I want to hear about the fabulous women here in Mid Sussex who are doing just that. I’m calling for you to nominate women who are inspiring others so we can give them the recognitio­n they deserve.

To nominate an inspiratio­nal local woman please email me at Mims.Davies. MP@Parliament.uk with why they’re making a positive difference.

I’ve been focussed on the impact of the menopause on the workplace at a Minister at DWP and was pleased to spell out our action to support Women on Sky News on IWD.

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