Midweek Sport

Zayn sexting Lily? In her dreams!

SEE LINSEY UNCENSORED AT: www.linseydawn­mckenzie.co.uk


SO Lily Allen is said to be the latest target of boyband dropout Zayn Malik after he has apparently been sending her some X-rated pics!

At the end of the day though, everyone seems to have been linked to poor Zayn since he left 1D and I think people are just hanging off the back of him to get some attention.

Maybe it’s just a bit of media hype. It all just seems a bit weird.

Zayn might have shown Lily a bit of interest but it seems like everyone this kid talks to is his new girlfriend. Just how many girlfriend­s can one boy have?

And at the end of the day Lily Allen is a mother. Why is she – or someone ‘close to her’ – saying all of this to the press?! I’m writing this week’s column from an AMAZING location as I’m doing a sexy photoshoot in pop star Adele’s old house, just down the road.

The house is absolutely huge. It has 10 bedrooms and 10 bathrooms – it’s stunning! I was shooting all day, taking some topless shots for an adult website, based in Monte Carlo. And I took one for you guys, too (left)!

I have really been missing my sexy crew this week, after filming wrapped for

It was absolutely brilliant and really full-on. The winner was picked after three days of intense filming and I can’t wait for you all to see it when it goes out on Television X!

I co-hosted the show with Johnny Cocksville. I couldn’t believe my eyes when I got home and looked him up online – I had no idea he was hiding such an amazing body underneath his clothes! I called him straight away and signed him up to Harddrive.xxx, my webcam company.

I’ve been a very lucky girl this week as I’ve been really spoiled by one of my biggest fans. He’s called Robbie and he lives in San Francisco. He’s followed my modelling work for years and has finally managed to track me down.

He surprised me this week with some brand new wireless Beats headphones, a nice piece of art for my wall, an iPad Air 2, some lovely make-up and a bottle of fizz! He treated me to some things off my Amazon wish list and he is the sweetest, loveliest man!

It makes my day when I check the post and see something from him – he often writes me poems, and letters.

Who knows, maybe one day I might make it out to San Francisco to finally meet him!

Lily’s been photograph­ed in some really saucy outfits at festivals. I thought she’d given all that up to settle down and be a full-time mum.

It’s like she has gone back in time, to her wild days! HOW backwards a step is it for the Labour party to choose Jeremy Corbyn as its new leader?

I think it’s disgusting that he chose not to give any of the top five cabinet jobs to women… and I hate to say it, but it reminds me of the old days. It feels like they’re going backwards! It’s so outdated, and when are men going to realise that it’s us WOMEN who will run the world.

Parties still seem to be much more concerned about looking fair when it comes to representi­ng different ethnic groups – but why not gender too!

I think it is pathetic. It just shows what kind of a man he is – and what kind of leader the Labour party are now stuck with.

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