Midweek Sport

Brits go bonkers for sex to music!

Carli Banks says… Beth James says…


I always like to play a bit of music to get myself in the mood before moving on to the bedroom. Something sexy like Marvin Gaye really gets me going. It really sets the scene and makes things feel romantic when I’m having sex. It’s especially good if I’ve been seeing the guy for a while. HORNY Brits love to get it on to the sound of music, and EXCLUSIVE new survey reveals!

The poll by sex toy retailer Lovehoney found that 82 per cent of us are turned on by listening to smoochy melodies – and 65 per cent of couples admitted they like to listen to hot sounds when they bonk.

The survey of 1,600 people found that the best music to get down and dirty to is R&B with almost a quarter of people saying the genre gets them in the mood.

This was followed by rock music (17 per cent), pop (eight per cent, dance (seven per cent), indie (six per cent) and metal (four per cent).

Rap was found to be the least sexy music with just one per cent and 27 per cent said they insist on total silence when they’re on the job.

The poll produced good for news for rock fans – they came out on top as the best lovers, closely followed by heavy metal fans.

Around 44 per cent of those surveyed said they were first attracted to someone because they had great taste in music, and 66 per cent of couples claimed they shared the same taste in music with their other half.

And almost two-thirds of couples owned up to having a special ‘bonking’ song. The top song to make love to is Marvin Gaye’s Let’s Get In On, followed by Beyoncé’s Drunk In Love and Etta James’s I Just Want To Make Love To You.

Lovehoney carried out the survey for the launch of their new range of Motörhead sex toys.

The metal band’s singer Lemmy, 69, said the four bullet and classic torpedo shaped vibrators, all decorated with the band’s iconic logo and branding, deliver the power and pleasure fans would expect from the “loudest band on Earth”.

He said: “One of the songs on our debut album was called ‘Vibrator’ so we had to have our own one day, right? Apparently, it was worth the wait!”

A Lovehoney spokespers­on said: “Music is the perfect aphrodisia­c for 82 per cent of couples and the survey shows that lots of different types of music turn us on.

“Lemmy will no doubt be delighted that metalheads come out as the second most promiscuou­s group of fans, who also had almost had the second highest number of one-night stands.

“It is nice to see so many Motörhead fans are following in the great man’s footsteps when it comes to sex.” I prefer to have sex in silence so I can hear the noises my lover is making. He can hear moaning as well, which lets him know I’m enjoying myself – that really turns me on. I honestly think putting music on to have sex to can make things seem a bit forced.

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