Midweek Sport



Dear Lexi,

MY fella seems to think going down on me means sucking my fanny into his mouth – as if he’s trying to give me a lovebite.

In every other way he’s great in the sack, but if he heads between my thighs then I know I’m going to end up bruised.

I’ve tried saying I want him to just lick me but he takes no notice.

I’ve also tried faking orgasms really quickly so he moves on, but he wants make me climax again!

SW, East Lancs

Lexi says…

SCREAM every time he goes down on you. Then don’t shag him for two weeks, saying you’re too sore. He’ll soon get it!

Dear Lexi,

ARE all girlfriend­s as expensive as mine? I’m 25 and she’s my first, but what with meals and clothes and trips, I’m blowing £500 a week, and I only earn £450. And in six months I still haven’t had a legover.

NT, Lincs

Lexi says…

SHE’s taking you for a ride – or not, it seems.

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