Midweek Sport

You’ve got to make time to reach a 69!

- By BECCA STUBBS becca@sundayspor­t.co.uk

THE average couple gets down and dirty for 69 minutes every week.

A brand new study reveals that they find time for the hours-plus of sexual effort, with busy people scheduling their nookie to make the most out of it.

The survey, carried out by Eden Fantasys, quizzed 2,000 people on how often they got jiggy and how long their shagging sessions lasted.

They discovered that the average couple has sex NINE times per month, for 69 minutes per week.

Added up over the course of the year, that’s an impressive 108 times with one and a half weeks spent getting frisky with a lover.

A passionate three per cent claimed that they had sex more than 30 times a month, but 12 per cent said they hardly got any action, and some months even failed to score at all.

Three-quarters of people quizzed said they struggled to have regular romps due to busy routines, and a whopping 60 per cent of those polled said they wished they were getting more action.

More than half of the couples polled admitted to pencilling in and scheduling a precise time for some between-the-sheets fun.


Saturday evening is most couples’ ‘ sex o’clock’ and 30 per cent marked 10pm as the most popular time to head off for some kinky action.

A spokesman for Eden Fantasys said: “As Benjamin Franklin once said, albeit for a very different occasion, ‘By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail’.

“Do not brush off or underestim­ate a planning part in your sexual activities.

“Be imaginativ­e, loving, but also thorough and prepared.”

“Open discussion­s with your partner. Planning is a solution for your long-term sex life staying fresh, exciting, and full of pleasant discoverie­s.

Scheduling sex ahead of time can also help people get ready for a night of sex a little more thoroughly, either by having time to mentally prepare, or even doing a bit of shopping.

Some pre-sex rituals came out of the results, such as making a nice dinner at home, which 45 per cent of those who schedule sex admitted to doing.

Another 34 per cent had previously booked a nice hotel room for their scheduled shag, and 30 per cent even went out to buy seductive lingerie.

We asked three Midweek Sport stunnas what they made of the results…

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