Midweek Sport

Naked pool stunt rider defends vid


A PISSED tourist who was filmed driving a scooter into the pool at his Bali villa while naked has defended the drunken stunt.

The 23-year-old, of Perth, Australia, posted the footage on social media.

He posted a second video showing the scooter being pulled from the pool with its engine still working, despite leaking water from its exhaust.

The man, referred to only as Raymond RB, admitted that the incident was an “alcohol -influenced situation”.

While the video has received a negative backlash on Facebook, Raymond revealed he owned the scooter as he spent four months in Bali every year.

He added: “I’m not too bothered by people saying I’m immature.

“I just don’t want people thinking it’s a rental scooter – or that I’m disrespect­ing the locals.”

WIMBLEDON umpires are given a list of swear words in different languages

is set in – you guessed it – Vienna in 1906.

Gruff detective Oskar Rheinhardt (Juergen Maurer) is told that a young doctor – Liebermann (Matthew Beard), a fan of Freud – will be shadowing him to learn about “the psychopath­y of the criminal mind”.

Back in 1906, Vienna was the capital of the Austro-Hungarian Empire – a ludicrous assembly of peoples who hated each other. It started the First World War and was then consumed in its flames.

Vienna Blood, an AustroBrit­ish production, is described thus in the posh papers: “lavishly rich and carefully textured as the finest apple strudel.”

And at an hour-and-a-half per episode, it’s a good enough way to spend your Monday evening.

Naturally, as this is just another police procedural set in another time, the cop is a maverick.

And the women are feisty. This is the BBC, after all.

But we’ve tracked down snaps of the leading ladies without their Viennese frocks...

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