Midweek Sport


Pop nonce’s victims want police record unsealed...


PHOTOS of Michael Jackson’s DICK could be shared with the world after two men abused by the pop nonce as children seek to unseal court records.

Wade Robson, 41, and James Safechuck, 46, claim that Jackson repeatedly abused them as young children in the 1980s and Nineties at his famous Neverland ranch home and elsewhere.

The pair failed in lawsuits against the singer’s production companies, which since his 2009 death are owned by his estate, but the suits were revived last year.

As part of the case, which could go to trial as early as next year, they are seeking access to sealed police records from Jackson’s 2005 noncery charges.

Lawyers for MJJ Production­s and MJJ Ventures believe the real target is “photograph­s of Michael Jackson’s genitalia and naked body taken by police”.

Further details of what the pics show and when or why they were taken are not known.

Police investigat­ing allegation­s of sexual assault will sometimes ask accusers for detailed descriptio­ns of their alleged attacker’s private parts and bodies.

Officers do so in a bid to uncover any unique physical features which may corroborat­e their claims.

It is also unclear why Jacko’s estate believes Robinson and Safechuck are seeking to have the nude photos shared


CLAIMS: James Safechuck ( and Wade Robson with the world.

The motion to quash the four subpoenas, which was filed in the Los Angeles Superior Court, noted the images were sealed by a courtenter­ed protective order.

“Beyond the invasion of privacy issues, the available records indicate the photograph­s the plaintiffs now seek are also subject to a strict protective order agreed to by Michael Jackson and Santa Barbara law enforcemen­t and entered


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