Model Rail (UK)

Tool of the month


Wood dye offers a shortcut to great results, says George Dent. If you’re about to assemble a laser-cut wooden kit, stone-cast building, or working with any porous material, consider oil-based wood dyes as a finishing agent. They’re readily absorbed and impart a naturally patchy finish, which is ideal for mimicking weathered masonry and timber structures.

A range of oil-based dyes should be applied to the components before assembly (glue will seal the material, making absorption difficult). Work with lighter shades first, as we can go progressiv­ely darker with extra coats. Antique Pine, Medium Oak, Mahogany, Walnut and Ebony dyes have been employed here.

Only the window frames of this Osborn’s Models kit have been painted. A mix of oilbased wood dyes has given the brickwork plenty of tonal variation. This reduces the need for subsequent weathering, thus speeding up the job considerab­ly.

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