Model Rail (UK)

Behind the Backscene

Model Rail fires the questions at Jason Shron, Rapido Trains’ art historian and bell-bottom trouser enthusiast.

- Jason Shron is owner and founder of Rapido Trains.

A glimpse inside the mind of Jason Shron, owner of Rapido Trains’.

1 What was your first train set/model? Tyco train set, 1979. 2 Are you working on a layout now? Yes, a 12ft by 45ft, triple-deck ‘HO’ scale Canadian Via/canadian National layout. Should be finished by 2070. 3 What piece of modelling are you most proud of? ‘HO’ scale Tempo train. I designed and manufactur­ed that… does it count? 4 Have you ever finished a model railway? Yes, several wooden Thomas the Tank Engine ones on the floor of the lounge. 5 What model have you’ve always longed for? VIA Rail Canada Turbotrain with working doors and steps. 6 Favourite trainspott­ing location? Pickering station… in Pickering, Ontario, Canada! 7 Favourite locomotive? VIA Rail Canada Budd Rail Diesel Car 6133. I own it. 8 When did you start working in the model railway industry? 2004. 9 What did you do beforehand? PHD student in history of art at the University of Birmingham (West Midlands, not Alabama). I never finished. 10 What modeller has influenced you the most? J. Anthony ‘Tony’ Koester. 11 What is one of the things you would put on your ‘bucket’ list? Finish restoring our VIA sleeping car and ride it across Canada in a VIA train. 12 Strangest thing you’ve ever eaten? Dry dog food when I was 17. It was a dare. It really wasn’t that bad… 13 What is one of your weird quirks? I have more weird quirks than normal quirks. I almost always wear bell-bottom trousers, including right now. 14 What book are you reading at the moment?

Bitachon, a book about putting your trust in God. Well you did ask… 15 If you were stranded on a tropical island, what two things would you want with you? A fuelled-up helicopter and a helicopter pilot. 16 What have you done that you are most proud of? Married Sidura. I’m still surprised every day that she can stand being around me. 17 What is your favourite song?

Don’t Stop Believing by Journey. 18 What is the best advice you ever had? Don’t critique other people’s work if you aren’t their boss. Say something nice about it and make them feel good. 19 What is one food you wouldn’t want to give up? Cabbage rolls. 20 If you had access to a time machine, where and when would you go? BBC Television Centre in the 1970s. I would stop them from throwing out all of their old episodes of

Doctor Who and Vision On. 21 What was your favourite cartoon show when you were growing up?

Rocket Robin Hood. It’s a real thing – look it up. 22 Favourite film?

The Breakfast Club. I am a neo-maxi zoom dweebie. 23 Temptation you wish you could resist? A third helping of my wife’s fruit crumble. 24 What is your best childhood memory? Lying in bed in the spare room of my grandmothe­r’s apartment, reading Doctor Who and the Cave Monsters while she cooked breakfast. 25 The hidden talent which would surprise people? I write music and play guitar. 26 First record you bought?

Single: Eye of the Tiger by Survivor. Album: She’s So Unusual by Cyndi Lauper. 27 If you could pass any new law? I would ban Wednesdays. They’re smack in the middle of the week and do no good to anyone. 28 What do you drive? 2011 Ford Flex and 1967 GM TDH-5303 40ft transit bus. I also have a 1961 Austin FX4 black cab (left-hand drive!) but the brakes are a bit dodgy. 29 Perfect Sunday? Work on the model railway in the morning; go for a hike with the kids in the afternoon; have supper with my family and my parents in the evening; watch

Doctor Who with the kids before bed. Something with Jon Pertwee in it. 30 Who would you like to play you in a film? Benedict Cumberbatc­h. Doesn’t everyone want to be played by Benedict Cumberbatc­h? 31 How would you like to be remembered? As someone who chose to follow his dreams and wouldn’t give up until he achieved them.

I am a neo-maxi zoom dweebie

 ??  ?? John Hughes’ The Breakfast
Club – Jason’s favourite film. ALAMY
John Hughes’ The Breakfast Club – Jason’s favourite film. ALAMY

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