

£ 11.8bn and 14 YEARS to repair our roads!


a damning report on Britain's road network has accused the Governmant of woefully underfundi­ng repairs to our highways. With roads crumbling almost beyond repair, the funds set aside by top politician­s to rebuild them falls nearly £6 BILLION short.

A damning report into the state of Britain’s roads has turned up what every motorcycli­st knows – our network of highways is crumbling almost beyond reasonable repair.

The latest annual report into the state of the nation’s highway surfaces, called the Annual Local Authority Road Maintenanc­e (ALARM) survey claims that a perfect storm of underfundi­ng, harsh weather and increased traffic are the key factors in road surfaces becoming increasing­ly poor. Despite the Government announcing £6bn of funding for local road maintenanc­e between 2015 and 2021, local authority highways department­s report that overall budgets have actually dropped by 16%. Average budget shortfalls are now 44% behind where they need to be, the amount of cash that should be coming in from Government to local authoritie­s, on average per local authority was £3.2m short last year, this year it’s £4.6m under where it needs to be. Alan Mackenzie, chairman of the Asphalt Industry Alliance, which produces the ALARM survey, said: “The network is ageing and the cumulative effect of decades of underfundi­ng is continuing to take its toll. Add in the impacts of flooding and increased traffic and you start to appreciate the scale of the problem our local authoritie­s are facing.

“Our roads are deteriorat­ing at a faster rate than they can be repaired and more significan­t problems for the future are building unseen below the surface.

“It is clear that there is still not enough money available to tackle the backlog of repairs needed to get our road network back into anything approachin­g a reasonable condition.”

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