
Usain Bolt’s motorcycle test!

After winning nine Olympic gold medals the world’s fastest man switches to two wheels for his speed thrills


Just weeks after winning his ninth Olympic gold medal in Rio Usain Bolt took to a London motorcycle training school to get to grips with two wheels. The Jamaican track hero wasn’t sticking to a small bike for his lessons though, opting to ride a Honda NC750S instead of a smaller bike option.

Usain Bolt might have completed his unpreceden­ted sprint ‘treble treble’ at the Olympic Games in Rio a few weeks ago – but the fastest man on Earth clearly didn’t get enough speed-fuelled excitement in August judging by these latest pictures.

The track legend has been busy swapping his sprinting shoes for two wheels, taking his motorcycle test at a school in London.

Caught getting to grips with a Honda NC750, the 30-year-old Jamaican took it steady around the cones on the off-road course but looked at home on the bike from the beginning.

He hardly needed full leathers for the sedate trot on the Honda, but at least Bolt kept the bright red trainers theme from the Olympics going while he was out on the bike. The Shark lid and short gloves were the only concession­s to bike kit, a thin zip top and skinny jeans didn’t give way for body armour or textile kit.

So, if you’re out and about in London and a middle-of-the-road Honda won’t let you past, give the rider a second look because he might just be one of the most famous people on the planet getting his motorcycle mojo on.

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