


I consider myself to be really fortunate that since I first learnt to ride on my mate Steve’s dairy farm at the age of 14 on his decrepit, but immortal, C90 I have ridden stacks and stacks of bikes, on- and off-road and on most UK race tracks. Nothing, however, has ever felt immediatel­y like the familiar pair of slippers that this peach did. When I finally got my turn it was to take over from Ross who was rescuing Dave after his back injury kicked in. We were halfway up a very rough and slippery climb that I’d just wrestled the KTM up using up all my limited skills and enthusiasm. When I did the same track on the Gasser it was as if I’d been plugged into the Matrix. When I got to the top and parked it alongside the two ADVs I felt as though I’d had a day off, instead of being out of breath like the others. The rest of the day was a sublime experience of watching myself from the outside. I even picked up a couple of little tricks that I’d never done on my own ancient Yam WR 250 F after eight years of ownership because of the confidence this remarkable machine inspires. I’ll go as far as to say that if money was no object I’d even recommend this bike to beginners as it is so user-friendly. There is, however, a big but… This bike only makes sense on trails either accessible from your front door or, for most reading this, a three-hour van ride away. Great if you can afford it as well as a road bike but it doesn’t do it all like the other two do. Then again, no one ever asked it to…

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