Motorsport News

Magnussen in the frame for seat at Haas F1


Kevin Magnussen has held talks about switching to the Haas F1 Team for 2017, as speculatio­n over the Dane’s future at Renault continues.

Haas team head Gunther Steiner confirmed during the Mexican GP weekend that he had held discussion­s with Magnussen as the team evaluates its driver options for next year. Romain Grosjean is already confirmed at the squad, but three names are in the frame should Haas opt to kick out Esteban Gutierrez.

Magnussen is thought to be a leading contender, alongside Jolyon Palmer and Esteban Ocon.

“We’ve spoken with Kevin, like we’ve talked to a few other drivers,” said Steiner. “There are not 10 [names] on the shortlist anymore, we are down to two or three, but we are talking, with Esteban also still in the mix.

“There are obviously a few seats available in the F1 market, and everybody is trying to get their different agendas in. You want the best driver, with a lot of money, and you have the pros and cons of getting money or not. Pretty soon somebody will make a decision and things will fall into place.”

Magnussen said he was still firmly focused on retaining his seat with Renault, which has already signed Nico Hulkenberg for next season.

“I want to stay here, that’s my target and what I want to do,” said Magnussen. “It’s a factory team that has the ability to fight for championsh­ips in the future, and that’s what I want to be a part of.”

 ??  ?? Magnussen could swap teams
Magnussen could swap teams

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