Motorsport News

Hamilton shows how to keep calm

World champion puts on a masterclas­s for Mercedes at the Brazilian Grand Prix


Everyone is raving about Max Verstappen’s ability to seemingly walk on water at Interlagos last weekend. Yes, the Dutchman was hugely impressive on his fight back through the pack and onto the podium but it is very easy to overlook the fabulous job done by leader Lewis Hamilton on Sunday.

World championsh­ip chaser Hamilton had a lot of weight on his shoulders. One slip in Brazil and his title dream could have been drowned right there. But he didn’t err at all, and controlled the race from start to finish. Never once did he look like he would drop it and that was under the most intense of pressure. He was hardly shown on the TV screens such was his unflustere­d performanc­e. As the title heat is turned up, there is no doubt that Lewis is keeping cool.

There was some anger at the disjointed nature of the race, with crashes, hold ups and red flags. While that was all very disappoint­ing for the fans in the grandstand (who weren’t backward in letting their feelings known) race control and race director Charlie Whiting were in a difficult position.

While we all want to see racing, and are frustrated when we can’t, would you want to make the call about when it is safe to race and when it isn’t? When you consider what is at risk, maybe people should bow to his informed judgement rather than rail against it. Matt James, Editor (Twitter: @Mattjmnews)

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