Motorsport News

Why I need to bother Motorsport


Having read a number of letters in News over the last few months regarding the state of club rallying , including the recent one from Peter Roach ( MN, August 16) I considered writing in as well, but then I thought ‘why bother’?

But then, having been to a few events over the last few months where the extremes (good and bad ) of trying to spectate and marshal I have come to the conclusion that yes, I will bother! Why? Because I love this sport.

I will bother because I have been attending (either as a marshal or spectator ) for nearly 40 years. I will bother because I am saddened to see folks being turned away at small events (sometimes with courtesy and other with rudeness). They just want to see a few cars for a couple of hours or so, and want to show their children or grandchild­ren what an exciting sport this is.

I will bother because we can all remember situations where spectators have helped rescue a stricken crew, or prevented a serious accident by their presence and quick thinking in slowing down following cars.

I will bother because there is surely a middle way. Why not have a scheme such as a registered marshal, registered with MSA, perhaps paying a small fee to cover costs to allow these folks to move around ( obviously between stages, perhaps with a different coloured tabard of arm band )?

I will bother because where are the next generation of competitor­s and marshals to come from? I am not talking about events such as Wales Rally, but your average club event. These folks who attend love their sport, know how to spectate, but cannot always give up a whole day. Come on MSA – give it a thought ? Richard James Via email

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